Friday, April 8, 2011

The Birth Story

Here are the nitty gritty details for those who are interested. If you aren't...stop reading now...don't say I didn't warn you! It wasn't horrible and traumatic or anything but I tend to just lay it all out there so be forewarned :)

So. I had been having contractions that were stronger than the braxton hicks I had with Griff for about a month and false labor off and on for a couple of weeks. I was a week past my due date and just ready to meet this little princess. I'm pretty sure I was getting crankier by the day just because the pain/frustration/sleeplessness/hormones were getting out of hand.

Mom and I had tried EVERYTHING to get this labor started but I'm pretty sure all of those methods are crapola. Actually now, in lieu of everything I see that God had 4/5 planned a looooong time ago but I'll get to that later.

The week before I had my membranes swept twice which just increased my contractions but didn't do anything else but make me feel crappy. After they did it on Friday I lost my mucous plug which I thought meant labor was gonna happen over the weekend, alas, it did not. So when I went for my 41 week appointment I figured I'd let them do it again anyway because there was a chance it could work. We discussed inducing on Monday the 11th because they like to wait until 42 weeks and I like the date 4/11/11.

Right after that the midwife said she was 2 for 2 on membrane sweepages and said she had lucky fingers. I said then go for it, lady! When she was done...and I have to say it was pretty painful...she left the room and I noticed that my water broke. Cheers of joy! I opened the door and told a nurse and my other favorite midwife came in to tell me what to do. She said to go home and wait until the contractions got to the point that I felt like I needed to come in and if they didn't by midnight then they would start a little pitocin.

Funny story here: Right when my water broke, I grabbed my phone to call Andrew and noticed that he had just texted me the following, "Just got a flat tire." I texted back, "Cool, my water just broke." I finished getting dressed and called my mom who had my car (I had been dropped off) and she said that my dad had my car at an urgent care hospital because he was sick and they were keeping him to get a CAT scan because they thought he might have diverticulitis (luckily he didn't!). So, meanwhile I just chill in the lobby hoping that I'm not leaking all over the place while I wait for Andrew to change his tire and come get me. Pretty funny that we had all been just sitting around for 2 weeks waiting for baby and at the ultimate most inconvenient time she said, "Aaaaaand NOW!" Funny little girl. I was too excited to feel any stress though.

The contractions started getting more painful pretty much as soon as my water broke at 3:20PM but not bad enough to stay at the hospital. When Andrew picked me up we went home to feed Griffin and get him to the neighbors. Another thing is that Shelly has been ready to take care of Griff when I had Elliot the entire pregnancy. I thought she was leaving April 9th for TN but she called on the 4th to tell me she was on her way to the airport. I got the dates wrong and she left the day before she was born :( sad. But luckily we have AWESOME neighbors that we could call and Griff has stayed with them before so he had a slumber party with their 4 year old twins.

After he left I tried to eat some dinner and just watch TV for a while and finish packing, etc. The contractions started getting longer and more painful though and I was worried that it would happen fast and did NOT want to have her at home. That is so not my thing. So we called the midwife and headed to the hospital around 7 ish. By the time we were in the car they were hurting pretty bad and luckily they got me into a room fairly quickly.

It was a really laid back experience (except for my screaming and thrashing around) compared to Griff's birth. The midwife didn't want me to get an IV so they just monitored my contractions and her heartbeat for 20 or 30 minutes when I got into the room then took the monitors off. When I got to the room they were less than 2 minutes apart. After they were done with that I decided to get into the jacuzzi tub in the bathroom which felt a lot more relaxing. It didn't take too long for the contractions to get even stronger and closer together. I had my trusty Ipod and gripped the bar in the tub for a while but was feeling a lot more pressure so she checked me and I was 7. I labored in the tub for a while longer and realized at one point that the pressure was getting a lot stronger so they decided to get me in the bed. The contraction between the tub and the bed has to be my least favorite by a long shot but I'm glad I got to be in there for a little bit.

Once I got to the bed I was a 9 and just wanted it to be over so bad. The midwife said it looked like I liked to grab on to stuff so she lowered both bed rails and I grabbed those suckers and am pretty sure I scared anybody within earshot but totallly didn't care at the time. At some point I thought I may just lose it if I didn't push that girl out so I said I needed to push. I think I was waiting for someone to tell me to push like they did with Griffin but the midwife was apparently waiting for me because she said to just do what I felt. So, I started pushing. No concept of time here but I know it didn't take too long.

I was a lot more alert at this point than I was with Griff. I was in labor longer and on Pitocin with him so I was totally loopy by the time I pushed him out and honestly don't remember the pain of that very much at all. I just remember thinking I was too tired to get him out. With Elliot it felt like someone took a machete to my vajayjay (sorry if you haven't had a baby yet and this is scaring you, just trying to be honest). I just wanted to have her in my arms and not in my whoha. So with a lot of grunting and yelling and saying that I just didn't think this was going to work out...she came out! They put her on my chest and was forgotten...until the stitches started but that's another story :)

She was born at 9:23PM on 4/5/2011 weighing in at 9 pounds 1 ounce and 21 inches. BEAUTIFUL dark hair and yummy rolls. I'm totally in love and Andrew is wrapped around her miniature finger. We are so thankful.

Seriously though I have never been so happy to meet someone in my life except when Griff was born. You know they are there and you feel them moving and see the ultrasounds but to see them in the flesh is just too amazing. We are so incredibly blessed, I just can't believe it.

She has been nursing good (a little scare about dehydration the first couple of days because apparently she was ready for real milk before I could provide it but we're doing good now), she sleeps a gazillion times better than Griff  did during his first year and a half. I'm in awe at how easy she is. I'm so lucky and she is only 3 days old so I know that could change but I just don't care. If she doesn't sleep for 18 years I won't care but it is a nice surprise that she actually will sleep in her crib. I couldn't get Griff to do that for 4 months. They are so different but I couldn't love 2 little people so much if I tried.

The part about this that is just such a God thing (not that it all isn't because of God) is that I had a dream on Monday night that we got our approval from Rwanda, so I woke up Tuesday and checked my email and it wasn't there but then I ended up having Elliot so I figured that was what my dream was about. This morning I was nursing her at 5AM and it took me a while to get her awake enough to nurse (crazy because every 2 hours like clockwork Griff screamed bloody murder until I gave him a booby). I had her on a boob and opened my email and saw that we got our approval from Rwanda! We have been waiting a year and a half to see that email. Our dossier has been there right under a year. I had to read it several times to be sure that I wasn't dreaming. The date on the scanned letter was 4/5/2011...Elliot's birthday. I picked up my nursing baby and went back to the bedroom and woke up Andrew and told him. Must have been quite the sight seeing his frazzled wife with a little girl attached to one boob and the other one hanging out because I forgot to close my tank top shaking him awake telling him that not only does he have a 3 day old but he has one to two more coming in 3-5 months. Deer in headlights. Not really, we have both been praying and waiting and hoping for all of these kids long enough to not care if it happens all at once. I'll be honest, there is a tad bit of stress with all we have to do in the next couple of months in between 2 hour feedings BUT I'm so on it. Bring it on and let me see that baby/those babies!

Next step-apply for Elliot's passport as soon as we get her birth certificate in the mail!

Wow. LONGEST BLOG POST OF ALL TIME! I'll reinstate the whole cookie thing if you survived reading this.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

She's Here!

Birth story to come later...but here is a tidbit...without the screaming and gnashing of teeth.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

41 Weeks

Today I'm 41 weeks pregnant. She must be little because the child has a party in my tummy every evening and she can move. She may be a back up dancer or something if she ever comes out.

I'm glad she moves a lot because 1. I would be paranoid if she didn't and 2. That must mean she is a petite 6-7 pounder, right??

I go in this afternoon for another ultrasound, non-stress test and membrane torture.

Maybe that'll be enough to kick these contractions into high gear!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

One Word: Ouch

Seriously? I mean as much fun as it is to wait even longer to see her face...and to go in every 3 days for tests and membrane sweepage (that is just not fun)....I'm thinking a pink cuddly baby would be way more enjoyable.

I feel like my body is about 100 years old. Time to evict!

We're off to Pike Place Market since dad hasn't been before...maybe some of those mini doughnuts will make her come out...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Pre-partum Depression

 I am turning in to that girl.

Sorry to those around me.

I am disliking any person with a penis other than Griffin, Andrew, and my dad.

A man in starbuck's the other day...mere minutes after getting my membranes swept told me I'd better be getting decaf. I  must have been giving him a look because he immediately said, "I'm kidding...I was kidding..." I almost said, "I have been drinking freaking decaf for over 3 years. What is your problem?" Luckily I bit my tongue.

I am so ready to meet her. I hate to be so impatient but seriously people with April due dates are snuggling with their kiddos right now and I'm totally jealous.

I am sleeping like 15 minutes a night. Which is what I expected to be doing in April...except I expected to not be sleeping because I was nursing sweet Elliot...not because my rib cage was on fire and my rock hard uterus was still contracting. I think I have the strongest uterus on Earth. You could bounce a coin off of it...try...I dare ya.

Anyway, I'm still thankful to be pregnant but I'm just a bit over it and ready to move on to phase baby. I feel pressure in all the wrong ways. Not pressure to push so much as pressure to get this child born so that mom and dad who flew across the country to meet her can actually meet her.

My body didn't want to get pregnant...and now it doesn't want to not be pregnant. What's the deal? Make up your mind, body!

Ok. I'm done whining. I hate to be a whiner but since this blog is private and like 2 people read it I feel like I will annoy the fewest amount of people. Say a prayer for those living in my house right now. I'm getting bitchier by the minute!!

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's...probably not...

I was hoping she would be born today bc it's April Fool's is 6:15 and my contractions are fairly mild. Got about 6 more hours but probably not likely. Tomorrow is my birthday but I'm kind of hoping she isn't born then because I want her to have her own birthday but I'm not gonna stop her if she starts coming!

I had my non stress test, ultrasound and another membrane sweepage this morning. The tests were perfect and she is doing great in there! The midwife went to town on my membranes which hurt but hopefully will do the trick!

I asked her what was causing the rib cage pain because I just like to know stuff like that. I figured it was normal but wasn't sure exactly what it was. Little missy is pushing it out of place apparently. It makes perfect sense. Now if she could just come out so I could get straightened out it would be a great birthday present for mama :)

Andrew, mom and Griff came in for the ultrasound appointment. I've been promising them all an Elliot for so long that I figured I'd at least let them catch a glimpse of her cuteness. The tech switched it to 4D for us and I am so in love! I didn't think it would be a very clear picture at 40wks3days but it is and I just can't wait to meet her!

She looks pudgy but it could just be that she is totally out of room and all squished up in there.

Here is one I took with my phone...probably not the best quality but it works.
It looks like she has some full idea where those came from...

Griff pointed to the pictures and said, "Elliot!" When she printed out about 5 he said, "Lots of Elliots!"

Hoping for the real thing really soon!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Copy Kat

I stole this from my sis in law's blog (Jenny). I'm currently hiding from my crazy house because every time I move I get contractions that are really annoying and I'm not in the mood. Griff has crazy play time where we play fetch with Henry in the basement and I'm the middle man. I think it's safe to say I'm not in the mood.  So, instead of that I'm doing this :)

How Far Along: 40 weeks and 2 days
Size of baby: No clue. Griff was born 9 days early and was 8#5oz....she is currently 2 days late. Mama's scared! Just kidding, I have a feeling she will be 7#7oz.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've gained 25 pounds...and appetite is gone due to lack of space!
Maternity Clothes: No, I got a few oversized shirts from H&M and have been wearing them with some black stretchy pants I had. I hate buying maternity clothes!
Gender: Girl-Elliot Coco
Movement: A ton, she's like an alien moving around in there...which leads me to believe she will be smaller than Griff
Sleep: Heck to the No
What I miss: running...I stopped a few weeks ago and the Seattle marathon is less than 3 months away! She is not respecting my race schedule!
Cravings: As of this week....Trader Joe's dark chocolate covered pomegranate seeds. YUM!
Symptoms: Lots of rib and back pain, a million contractions every day, heartburn that my Rx Zantac ain't touchin' anymore.
Best Moment this week: I'm over 40 weeks pregnant. The best moment (hopefully) this week will be meeting my daughter!